(0:12) What’s up guys, Ryan Gallop here, the head of performance at San Diego Legion. (0:16) We are a city’s professional rugby team, and today we’re going to be joined by Jimmy and (0:21) Paul. (0:21) They’re former Navy football teammates, spent some time in the Marines together.(0:26) Now Paul plays professionally for the Houston Texans and is getting ready for training camp. (0:30) Today we got a full body activation, mobility, little power primer, followed by a heavy upper (0:36) body lift. (0:37) The neuro is one of our guys, his name is Matt, he’s real into this stuff, I don’t even (0:43) know what to call it, I literally call it witchcraft, he’s in there pushing on pressure (0:49) points and getting the nervous system connected to the body is how he kind of frames it.(0:55) But the first thing you do is you take your thumbs and get them up, and you raise them (1:05) like eye level, and you’re going to look straight ahead and then make eye contact (1:09) with your fingernail, and then go to the other one, and you’re just moving your eyes without (1:14) moving your head, maybe 10 of those, try to keep the focus the whole time, and then it’s (1:23) vertical, and then pick a point on the wall, and then look straight ahead, and then move (1:37) your head up and down, keep looking at your point, and keep the focus, and try to go as (1:44) fast as you can without losing focus, and then side to side, side to side is harder, (1:56) and then there’s a couple more things, you’re at the entry level, alright sure, need more (2:03) reps, yeah, alright we’re good with that, dude how was it coming back into cleats, wearing (2:15) cleats everyday, I thought I was going to break my foot like you did back in the day, (2:22) this shit still hurts all the time, like the pressure of my foot with how the bottom of (2:37) the cleat, like the newer cleats is set up, it feels like they’re not aligned, so where (2:43) my foot has the bulk of its pressure, it doesn’t have the support, so it feels like I’m one (2:51) explosive movement away from breaking my whole fucking foot, but I got a new pair, they sent (3:03) me a new pair, custom ones, no they’re just wider, and they feel better, so we’ll see, (3:16) this ankle is so messed up, you going through everything, yeah, just calf, hammy, and then (3:31) posterior first, and then I’m going to do calf, hammy, IT band, quad, groin, switch sides, (3:40) and then back, this is the best one though, yeah that was so tight, we got squat tomorrow, (4:09) on the front squat, this IT band that I tore is like still, yeah, it still swells up sometimes, (4:39) and there’s like a bunch of scar tissue, and these like look so weird, when did you do that (4:47) again? three years ago now, was that at ITC? no it was at free fall, it was where? free fall, (4:58) was that when you were getting your ass beaten in that fight gym? yeah, that was sick, (5:35) all right, it’s nice that you get these little cushions, yeah, so this is like how we do it, (5:48) just driving forward, drive forward to keep the heel on the ground the whole time, and when you (5:52) get to that like stretch, like you’re maxed out, yeah, hold it for three, and then back, (6:04) I’m gonna do six on each side, sometimes I feel like my Achilles is gonna, I know, (6:17) so it’s the first thing I thought, it’s like, that’s good, that’s good, six, there’s, it’s (6:27) crazy how like certain days you feel how much more stiff it is, and others, this right heel (6:36) is like really messed up, because this is the ankle, yeah, that’s, that’s really bad, (6:43) like, I guess I spend more time on this thing, because I like just kind of, yeah, and that ankle (6:51) mobility is huge in everything, oh, surfing is the best, that’s the most important thing, (6:56) I think, it’s funny because Jake hit me up, yeah, he was like, man, my ankle mobility sucks, (7:03) and I was like, okay, this is good though, right, Nick, his brother, insane, yeah, I was like, (7:19) from now on, you need to start traveling with one of these, and I showed him some other things, (7:24) he’s like, all right, dialed, and then every couple months, he comes back, and it’s like, (7:31) what should I do for this, and I’m like, remember that shit we showed you, it still works, just do (7:37) it, surfers, all right, now, hip, box, no, flat, you rotating, you’re just staying with it, no, (7:52) so you’re gonna, it’s like, look back, internal, external, so you’re gonna keep everything touching (8:00) the ground, and you’re gonna push down, like that, you’re gonna drive that foot into the floor, (8:06) we’re keeping the knee on the ground, and do that, are you doing like sets, like, five seconds, (8:11) and then the other one is you push the knee down, okay, how many reps are you doing, just two, (8:20) I’ll say switch, how about that, all right, drive the foot, all right, drive the knee, all right, (8:31) now, staying here, same thing with the back foot, so foot, five seconds, knee, foot, knee, (8:52) I like this, you’re getting the foot off the ground, dang, can you get it, all right, switch (8:59) side, get you like a cramp in that hip, oh, this one wants to pop, all right, foot, knee, foot, (9:18) knee, back foot, knee, back foot, cramp, cramp, cramp, cramp, cramp, knee, all right, now we got (9:40) to work on the flexibility, core activation, so first thing we got is gonna be dead bugs, (9:47) 15 each side, I think it’s like the best core stability exercise there is, our coach is like (10:14) crazy about it, I think they’re really good, he like critiques everybody’s form, yeah, (10:21) like every day, one day he went on like a tirade, everybody’s cheating on me, (10:27) everybody coming in here, this is bullshit, going through the motions, like dude, dead bugs, (10:34) I know, but they like get your back, no, I know, spine all set up, my brother is like (10:40) obsessed with them too, I’m just saying, that’s not, not the hill I’m gonna die on, (10:46) he was roasting me last time I did them, now we got a side point, you’re raising the foot, (11:01) no, or just sitting holding, no, I just hold them, when I train with my brother, David Lee, (11:12) yeah, he like always has to have the timer for like all this, like you know, if it’s 30 seconds (11:19) or 45 seconds, whatever, he’s like big on the timer, I’m just like dude, count your head, (11:25) then you can cheat, yeah, but it’s not, but it’s alright to cheat on the warm-up, (11:32) see these mindsets are wrong, you just count slow, maybe you’re going more, alright, switch, (11:45) remember Evans, when we do these, yeah, just like 20 minutes and like rotating through (11:52) different planks, yeah, dude, that guy’s workouts were, I saw him the other day, (11:59) he’s got like his facility, didn’t I tell you his facility is over, yeah, that stuff was good, (12:07) he gave me this bag, this is like the new in the Marine PFT, planks, planks now, (12:21) we’re starting this year, for like what, two minutes, I think it’s like four minutes, (12:25) no more crunches, it’s hard, just do dead bugs and planks all day, (12:42) every strength coach should be happy, alright, that activation, yeah, let’s do box jumps, (13:08) couple, let’s do, we got world’s greatest stretch, okay, before that, (13:14) no, take that out, world’s greatest, how many do each side, three each side, (13:49) then reverse lunge twist, just rotating your same side, you can rotate or stay, (13:57) and then set like parallel squat, you coming up or you staying low, I’m coming up, (14:17) whoa, hip is just clicking, you ever do the ones with the weights, yeah, (14:27) is that my knee, my hip for sure, dang, that car ride yesterday, wearing off, (14:38) all right, TRX, so this is Y, you’re just holding the stretch, yeah, holding for 10, (15:03) and then T, you activating like your traps the whole time, or you just kind of let it like (15:08) just relax, go to like the point of like maximum stress, and just sit there, (15:19) and then A, and then, yeah, pop, it’s good stuff, it’s how you know you’ve had surgery, (15:34) and then lat stretch, it’s gonna be a little funky, (15:54) good creeping going, yeah, up high, yep, Y, that’s all I got, (16:07) shoulder will come out, then the T, yep, I don’t trust this too much, (16:17) and then A, and then we call them swimmers, like the circle, yeah, (16:28) makes me a little nervous in my shoulder, yeah, just go slow, then which arm up, (16:40) opposite, opposite knee, opposite shoulder, yeah, just like that, that’s, (16:47) since I, when they really showed me that like two years ago, that’s like the most valuable stretch, (16:54) you don’t have anything facing the TRX, anything facing, yeah, but not for right now, (17:04) all right, now we got stat on the car, activation, we don’t need any weight, (17:21) but hang on like that, just like how we used to do for the bench warmup, (17:31) yeah, you activating like your lower back, the glutes, yeah, and then push up, (18:03) you want to just count of five, yeah, and then T, (18:15) they do like the press one, yeah, go to W and press out, and then after that, (18:23) done, and then swimmers again, yep, and then push ups, three seconds on the way down, (18:47) it’s also good to upgrade posture, yeah, keep it high, move the chin, (18:57) I don’t know man, can’t see the landing, yeah, (19:44) it’s just to get like the whole activation, (19:47) yeah, that’s it, yeah, all right, I’m gonna sit, (21:10) yeah, so you’re not doing close grip anymore, I mean I haven’t changed my grip, (21:23) let’s see, I always remember you’re doing like right here, no, I like maybe a little bit wider, (21:47) you have five, yeah, (22:04) let me hit, so 185, I gotta do the bands though, every time I bench, just to get like the scaps, (22:19) yeah, a little more, your shoulders bother you, no, thank God, they’re about to, (22:50) set of five, yeah, what’s the full workout for the bench, well, the first, if this is your first (22:58) working set, it’s three, 3, 2, 1, 1, 5, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, 1, 5, 5, 4, yeah, I’ll start here, (23:22) straight into rows, three sets of six, so for the first three sets of bench, (23:26) follow the first three sets, yeah, single arm row, single arm, you don’t like for like (23:51) slow squeeze on there, you’re trying to like powerful, slow, I’m supposed to do 235, (24:22) yeah, you go to 235, 245, lift off, set of five, set of three, (26:09) 3, 2, 1, you got rows, yeah, I’m trying to let me know how like the movement pattern is, (26:35) I’m trying to go like straight back to this right hip and get like a good long squeeze at the top, (26:43) as opposed to like coming up high here, yeah, like kind of open it up, (27:03) looks good, pretty consistent, like now I’m rotating, like trying to overcome, (27:11) I said the last one you definitely pulled too right, yeah, trying to keep the shoulder down, (27:16) and then all with that like back, all right, yep, (27:51) lift off again, (27:56) good bar, (28:56) I like the little stairs, that’s a lot better. (29:00) Have you ever seen someone go like, square up? (29:03) Yeah. (29:06) Slightly.(29:08) Have you ever done your lower? (29:10) With the kettlebells? (29:12) No. (29:13) You gotta try it. (29:15) You alternate and tap it off the ground? (29:17) Yeah.(29:18) It’s pretty good. (29:20) Is this a set of one? (29:23) Yeah. (29:24) Three at a time.(29:30) I gotta get my kettlebell doing that. (29:43) Remember the last time the bench was with you? (29:46) When we were here. (29:50) Is that like, February? (29:52) Yeah.(29:55) Three, two, one. (30:06) One more row. (30:09) And we’re done with rows after this? (30:13) I don’t think I can keep that good pace with the 100, dude.(31:01) This is like Rush. (31:03) Rush does so much. (31:05) Yeah.(31:11) Every second on the pole matters. (31:13) Right. (31:20) I need this guy.(31:23) Yeah, I got it. (31:35) Should do a lift off. (31:36) Yeah.(31:37) That’s not good. (31:39) What do you got, sir, for that lift off? (31:41) 275? (31:42) No, 3. (31:44) I mean, yeah, if I’m going over 275. (31:50) All right.(31:52) 3, 2. (32:01) Lift. (32:08) Yeah. (32:20) Good squeeze, good squeeze.(32:28) Good set, good set. (32:40) Good set. (32:45) We’re done after the rush? (32:48) Yeah.(32:51) So this is the last set of the warm-up on the bench. No, we’re in it. I thought we got another set of one.(33:00) The climb one, yeah? I mean, I’m not warming up to 335. I wish I was. The next set’s five though, right? (33:10) No, it’s another single.Yeah, this is single, and then after that it’s five. Yeah. I was (33:15) shooting this like a… I’m just kidding, kid.Two sets of five. (33:27) Let’s see, should be good. One, three, two, one, good shit.That’s too much. (33:38) Play a right side collapse on. Play it in a ten? Yeah.(34:17) Three, two, one, whoops. Hips just a little bit. Yeah.Creeping up a little high. (34:32) I’m ready to die. That was bullshit.(34:48) Three, two, one. Let’s go. (35:15) Good lift, good lift.(35:32) Light weight, light weight. What you want? 225. For a five? Yeah.(35:40) Yo, I was telling Chella, that’s… I told her a story from back when we were at McQuay’s. Uh-huh. (35:48) Where’d you learn how to lift it? Well, yeah, but first of all, that’s like the best school ever.(35:54) That was fun. But I was telling her, I was like, yeah, Jimmy always beat me, no matter what, in any run. (36:03) He always would cook me.But I knew, I knew I had his ass in the pool. (36:10) And remember when we did that run-swim run? Yeah, yeah, yeah. (36:13) And you got to the pool like ten minutes before we caught me.And I passed you in the pool. (36:18) I was like, and I had this game plan in my head, like, I got him. (36:22) Like, I know exactly what he’s going to do.He’s going to get to the pool. He’s going to get tired. (36:26) 3, 2, 1. (36:29) No.(36:36) There’s, like, other people racing. (36:39) Did we pair? Yeah. I was like, it’s the only person I can… I think it was… (36:44) You, I think you finished second.Did you? I don’t remember. (36:48) Well, it was… What was that kid’s name? The swimmer. He was good.(36:53) He was a corporate. He definitely won. Yeah, he definitely won because he beat everyone by a mile.(37:00) But… Hold up, hold up. 275? 275. (37:06) But yeah, everything was going according to my plan.I was like, alright, Jimmy’s freaking dusting me in the run. (37:12) He’s going to get tired in the pool. I’m going to pass him.(37:15) And he’s going to be so tired, he’s not going to be able to perform like he normally does in the second run. (37:21) Sure enough, get to the run. (37:23) I get out of the pool first and then get to the run.(37:28) Fucking… If I wasn’t racing, there’s no way you would have done that fast. (37:33) But since it was me, yeah. (37:35) I was pissed off, but… I was telling her that story and she was dying.(37:40) Did you tell her that we’d go into the gym and make sure we could still finish the 15? (37:44) Yeah. (37:46) Alright, 3, 2, 1. (37:51) Psssh. Psssh.Psssh. Psssh. Psssh.Psssh. (37:58) You’re lit. (38:02) And… Another 75? (38:05) Yeah.(38:06) Drop the quarter inch boots out. (38:18) It feels pretty good, not benching. (38:27) Does that feel like coming in from behind, to get set up when it starts to get a little (38:32) heavier? (38:34) You can stay a little more collapsed, more like just tighter I feel like, just like helps (38:44) cue that.(38:46) 3, 2, 1. (39:03) I think that’s about the limit, you’re tapping, yeah I might be capped on that, we’ll see. (39:10) I got 275 again. (40:02) It’s the first like 2 reps, I felt the height, it was like floating off me, your pace was (40:09) off at the first 2. (40:14) 245 again, instead of 4. (40:22) It’s so nice having a lifting partner, that’s the only way to truly make progress, when (40:36) you have someone to compete with.(40:39) When you’re on your own, you just don’t have like, I mean it takes time, those seconds (40:45) they add up, you can’t recreate that motivation when someone else is there, by yourself, but (40:55) I also don’t go so far. (40:57) It’s pretty cool when you’re by yourself though, because, 3, 2, 1. (41:23) This felt good, I had a good diaphragm brace on there, it’s cool by yourself though, because (41:34) I don’t know what it’s like for you, but for me, the temptation to like, not do something, (41:44) or like, I don’t have to do that, I’ll do something else, and then fighting that temptation (41:51) that constantly, it’s like a mental battle dude. (41:57) Here, 10 and do 5. (42:02) You thrive in that.(42:03) I don’t, but that’s the best part about it. (42:10) It’s like, no matter what, you can count on that to show up, you know what I mean? (42:16) Yeah. (42:17) And you have to win that battle.(42:20) Uh, we got 4. (42:23) Alright. (42:26) Yeah, only you know if you’re pushing yourself. (42:32) But like on the flip side dude, if you’re with somebody else that’s pushing you, you’re (42:36) going to go way beyond anything that you can hit.(42:38) 3, 2, 1. (42:40) Boom. (42:48) Good. (42:49) That was easy.(42:51) That was easy. (42:55) 3 plates, on the next one. (42:58) For you? (42:58) No, not for me.(43:00) Did I fire it up? (43:02) Yeah, for a single. (43:04) Yeah, I got 3. (43:06) You going 245 again? (43:09) For the 5 plates. (43:10) Alright.(43:21) I might get buried on this one. (43:23) No shot. (43:24) Feel good.(43:25) Doesn’t count though if the hips come up. (43:39) 3, 2, 1. (43:41) Come on. (43:47) Easy.(43:48) Let’s go. (43:53) I feel good as fuck. (43:55) You look good.(44:02) Alright. (44:03) Let’s go. (44:03) I’m a bench like many of you.(44:07) Kettlebells, they work. (44:08) I believe in them. (44:11) Kettlebells and surfing.(44:13) Yeah. (44:29) That’s going to be easy. (44:32) You going to go a max rep or just do a 4? (44:33) Nah, just a 4. (44:36) I don’t need to be blowing out before a training camp.(44:43) 3, 2, 1. (44:50) Watch the hips. (44:51) Watch the hips. (45:01) It was smooth.(45:03) I just hipped up on it. (45:08) Pull-ups, baby. (45:10) You got a weight belt? (45:13) Yeah.(45:27) You guys don’t weight it? (45:29) Yeah. (45:30) You can just drop it. (45:31) You got 2 chains up there as well.(45:38) Jimmy already looks like a badass. (45:41) Look at those tattoos. (45:42) You can’t help it.(45:55) Leave that one. (45:57) For the pull-ups. (46:00) I think you need a kettlebell.(46:01) I’d say kettlebells would make it easy to hook up. (46:04) Do you have any? (46:05) Ryan, you guys got kettlebells? (46:07) We got like 2. (46:09) Let’s use this. (46:12) Here you go.(46:23) How many did you do? (46:40) The first one, 10. (46:42) Just nothing. (46:45) 10, 10, 8? (46:47) Yeah.(46:47) Just the warm-up one. (47:12) That’s the extension? (47:13) Yeah. (47:14) Those are… (47:18) PFT ready? (47:19) ANS, PFT, get it going.(47:30) Cautious one. (47:36) Good set, good set. (47:42) Good chain? (47:43) Yeah.(47:44) How much are the chains? (47:45) About 20. (47:52) No way. (47:54) 20? (47:57) No way.(47:58) This one? (48:04) None. (48:09) Here. (48:18) I think how we’re going to end this is probably like being better.(48:24) You’ll be better at it? (48:25) Yeah, just this way. (48:26) Kind of like… (48:27) Just like gets the shoulder a little bit uncomfortable. (48:30) I just started doing… (48:31) I still do pull-ups this way, but… (48:33) I do all neutral grips.(48:34) Chin up, yeah. (48:35) If you can do neutral grips, it kind of helps a little bit. (48:39) We did that.(48:40) Oh, yeah. (48:41) That’s it. (48:43) I’m going to do a set here with this first.(48:46) Of course, I’m messing it up. (48:54) Two chains at a time? (48:56) Yeah. (48:56) What’s up? (49:30) I’m going to try.(49:43) Do we go in the middle or is it out front? (49:49) Yeah, I think like that. (49:50) Up against the rack. (50:01) A lot of stability in there.(50:03) Yeah, you’ve got a lot of grip in that. (50:07) Let’s see. (50:09) You’ll be all right with one chain.(50:12) One chain and some wobble? (50:27) Yeah. (50:33) It’s a lot of weight to pull up right there, man. (50:35) A lot of body weight when you pull up.(50:39) More than it needs to be. (50:43) Do you go all the way out? (50:45) Yeah, it’s pretty good. (50:47) Once you get up there… (50:56) Maybe you just… (50:57) You’ve got to weigh a little bit more.(51:24) Yeah. (51:25) Let’s see if there’s any wobble. (51:49) Too much wobble.(52:02) Yeah. (52:03) Yeah, I think if we had someone on each side… (52:07) Yeah, I’m just going to… (52:21) I just still do like all the different grips. (52:27) Just the… (52:28) You’re lucky we don’t have that climbing wall thing.(52:31) You ever seen that? (52:31) Oh, that’s hard. (52:33) Finger pegs? (52:34) Oh my gosh. (52:35) You ever seen that… (52:39) Free Solo? (52:41) Oh, yeah.(52:42) Alex Hall? (52:43) Like in the van? (52:43) He’s got it set up in his van. (52:45) After climbing? (52:47) After the fucking… (52:49) He’s like, oh, I better just do more sets of 10. (52:51) Like, what are you going to do now? (52:52) He’s like, fingerboard.(52:55) He’s sick. (52:56) That guy’s crazy. (52:57) Psycho.(52:57) I saw this other one. (52:59) It was… (53:00) The guy was even more nuts. (53:01) I know.(53:02) I saw it, too. (53:02) I saw it. (53:03) I’m not going to give it away, but you’ve got to watch it.(53:05) You do have to watch it. (53:07) Insane. (53:08) Like… (53:08) They’re friends, of course, because they’re both out of the mountain.(53:10) I don’t know if you can call them friends. (53:12) Well, they knew each other. (53:13) Yeah.(53:14) And they’re both so weird. (53:15) I don’t know how friendly they are, but… (53:17) So… (53:17) I don’t need to say it. (53:18) You know what I’m saying? (53:19) Dude, they’re… (53:20) Those people are missing the fear gene.(53:22) Good… (53:22) Good rep on there. (53:24) Good extension. (53:27) Good extension.(53:30) Good set. (53:33) What? (53:34) That looked nice. (53:38) What’s his name? (53:40) Marc Andre.(53:41) Yeah, yeah, yeah. (53:43) The French Canadian. (53:44) Yeah.(53:45) He, like… (53:47) There’s this, like… (53:51) There’s this place up in Canada called Squamish. (53:56) I guess it’s like a… (53:57) Like a hub for climbing. (54:01) And… (54:03) This dude was, like, living in the woods.(54:07) And… (54:08) He goes out and, like, freesails some mountain up there. (54:12) And he breaks Alex Connell’s record. (54:15) And Alex Connell’s, like… (54:16) They filmed him in the show.(54:18) He’s like… (54:19) There’s this guy living in a tent in the woods. (54:23) Just… (54:23) Comes out one day and smashes my record. (54:27) So, naturally, I get pissed.(54:29) And I go up there and I have to beat his record. (54:32) And they, like, did that back and forth for, like, a couple years. (54:35) And then he just went on, like, a terror.(54:39) Dude, and he does the… (54:40) The glacier stuff where he breaks out the ice picks and stuff. (54:43) He’ll freesail… (54:45) Half ice climb, half regular. (54:50) It’s… (54:53) It’s… (54:56) It’s… (55:01) It’s… (55:01) Come on.(55:06) Okay. (55:08) Had a little leg hit. (55:12) But, yeah.(55:13) You gotta watch it, dude. (55:15) What’s that? (55:16) The ice climbing is the most insane shit I’ve ever seen. (55:23) Like, he’s… (55:24) He takes his gloves off.(55:27) And he grabs the ice ball… (55:30) For a grip. (55:32) Because… (55:32) He’s like, I feel so much better… (55:35) With my fingers and my hands. (55:36) He’s wearing a hand in tan with the ice.(55:38) I’m like… (55:38) Well, dude… (55:39) How are you feeling, man? (55:41) The, uh… (55:42) He’s like Wim Hof, though. (55:43) Just conditioned himself. (55:45) To withstand it.(55:46) No, because Wim Hof… (55:47) Dude, he’s like clipping his ice boots all, like… (55:50) While hanging off the glacier. (55:51) Like… (55:52) With one arm. (55:53) He’s just like… (55:54) One arm.(55:54) And talking to the camera, too. (55:55) Dangle. (55:56) Like, grabbing gear.(55:58) Putting shoes on. (55:59) It’s great. (56:00) And they got it all, like… (56:01) Super zoomed in.(56:02) Slow-mo footage. (56:04) Yeah, it’s wild. (56:04) It’s like a lifetime of… (56:06) All this muscle.(56:07) Oh, yeah. (56:07) And he was like… (56:08) The awkward kid. (56:10) Who, like, the first time he climbed something was like… (56:12) Yeah.(56:13) Holy shit. (56:13) This is all I want to do. (56:14) Like, this entire life.(56:15) The gift, you know? (56:16) Yeah. (56:17) For sure. (56:22) That’s like muscle adaptation.(56:23) Oh, dude. (56:25) Bone adaptation. (56:25) You can see it in their fingers.(56:27) Like, literally, they change over time. (56:30) Let’s go. (56:30) Let’s go.(56:38) Let’s go. (56:39) Aboard. (56:42) Get set.(56:46) Get set. (56:53) Skull crushing? (56:54) Yeah. (56:55) I do.(56:55) I’m impressed with the pull-ups. (56:57) We do pull-ups. (56:58) Oh.(56:59) And I do… (57:01) He’s dominating everybody now, or what? (57:03) On pull-ups? (57:04) Yeah. (57:05) Hell yeah. (57:32) Yeah.(57:32) Skull crushing is right here. (57:35) Yeah. (57:39) Like this.(57:40) Yeah. (57:42) That was Ryan’s suggestion. (57:45) But we’re gonna… (57:45) We’re gonna test it out.(57:47) It’s up to you guys. (57:48) It’s more of the neutral handle. (57:50) Nah.(57:50) It’s easier. (57:51) Yeah, I’m gonna make sure… (57:52) Narrow elbow stuff. (57:54) Let’s see if we can give it a go.(57:55) What do you think? (57:56) 25? (57:57) Is that… (57:57) What is that? (57:57) 65 pounds? (58:02) Uh… (58:04) I think it’s like 55. (58:07) Like in between the trap bar and the Olympic bar. (58:13) You go like in the middle on the grid? (58:15) Yeah, I don’t know.(58:16) If you want your elbows pretty stacked over your shoulders. (58:19) This is pretty… (58:20) Good with the stability with it. (58:22) Yeah.(58:24) Where do you want to start, Jimmy? (58:25) Light. (58:26) Like a 10? (58:28) Just go up. (58:29) I think… (58:31) You can probably hit… (58:33) 825 off the diet.(58:51) Set at 10? (59:10) 20, Paul. (59:12) 20. (59:21) How’s that angle on here? (59:24) Good.(59:46) It’s blown up. (59:52) That’s a good… (59:54) Good angle with the grip there. (59:56) That’s good to sustain your shoulders.(1:00:02) So you’ve done this before, Ryan? (1:00:03) You didn’t just… (1:00:06) You didn’t just throw it together just now? (1:00:08) What’s that? (1:00:08) You’ve done it before or you just didn’t… (1:00:10) I haven’t done it before. (1:00:11) Alright. (1:00:16) Just with Paul.(1:00:18) It’s the only time I do it. (1:00:20) I think the old man wrote it on the cable. (1:00:23) Let’s see if we can do it.(1:00:26) Yeah. (1:00:27) Yeah. (1:00:36) Yeah.(1:00:50) Yeah. (1:00:56) Yeah. (1:01:01) Yeah.(1:01:15) Psst. (1:01:17) Psst. (1:01:19) Psst.(1:02:06) Good pace. (1:02:11) Good pace. (1:02:14) Psst.(1:02:15) Psst. (1:02:16) Psst. (1:02:17) Psst.(1:02:18) Psst. (1:02:19) Psst. (1:02:23) Psst.(1:02:24) Psst. (1:02:25) Nice work, Ryan. (1:02:29) How’s that? (1:02:31) It’s good.(1:02:33) Dude, it’s blown up and I can’t hit it two times on there. (1:02:47) This is good, this bar. (1:02:49) Yeah.(1:03:39) how you feeling? getting better, still have manners, remember when you were burning like (1:03:53) going insane I mean as much as way as you could, yeah, you used that curling penny like (1:04:00) 185 trying to curl it, that’s just stupid (1:04:30) strong, good set, good set, neck? yeah, on the band? yeah, on your partner neck (1:05:04) green, yeah we are going to do a little neck first, I got a bike, on the bike? yeah, I (1:05:22) just as long as we’re clear, we’ve been competing this whole time, you guys keep scoring, I’m (1:05:32) behind right now, it’s the best, you good? yeah, the side is too high, just the band, (1:06:19) you didn’t lose a vertebrae, I know, I think forward is like the best one, this one is (1:06:27) like doesn’t hit the same way, yeah, I like the static moving like, like this? no, no, (1:06:39) keep everything, move back, so like max tension and then rock back and forth to keep your (1:06:47) everything in line, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, feel that? that’s good, on the backwards here, (1:06:51) in the front, I felt this, the neck it’s so overlooked, yeah, I meant like concussions (1:07:02) or glutes would help you be ready for impact there, yeah, you guys train a lot? I was just (1:07:14) gonna say, yeah, we do, it’s fine, you have to in rugby because so many hits end up high (1:07:21) even if not on purpose and obviously no helmets or pads, but like you said all the studies (1:07:26) lately, stronger your neck, lower your chance of concussions, so we do, whether it’s pre (1:07:33) rehab and the warm up or mixed in with upper, we’re doing neck bridging, band work all the time, (1:08:16) so you’re just kind of rocking, huh? (1:08:26) two rounds, four way neck, yeah, this thing’s kind of, it’s kind of high, you want it to be (1:08:35) like eye level, move it down then, yeah, don’t go too far away, just keep safety in mind, (1:08:42) the rack’s gonna snap in my, the true skull crusher, bring the pull up bar into your head, (1:08:52) the true test, are your neck workouts enough, can you receive a pull up bar to the face, (1:09:27) unfazed, you guys want a new one, yeah, this is the rugby shit, I’m a believer in the rugby (1:09:43) neck workout, we do a lot of these, so set up in like a bear crawl position here and (1:09:50) it’s gonna be on the side of your head, so you’ll, no, no, square up this way, yep, so (1:09:54) then we get on this side, so first you just hold and then we get guys better do slow shoulder (1:10:04) taps, so now we’re bringing in hip and core bracing, that’s a good one, we do a lot of (1:10:14) neck bridging, you guys should be doing this with, because you get hamstrings as well, but (1:10:20) head on the box and just doing all your bridge work, yeah, you’re thinking of bouncing that (1:10:26) pint of beer on the low back, Jimmy, don’t let it tip, you’re trying to be like, your (1:10:34) set up is this is perpendicular off the head and you’re just like in a bear crawl position, (1:10:39) you bring your knees a little more narrow, there you go, and you just gotta adjust how (1:10:44) far you are, because obviously the band tension is all about distance from the anchor, but (1:10:51) yeah, we do, that’s in one of our standard neck prep days, oh man, I got the stability (1:11:04) for the shoulder taps, yeah, that’s the progression, but I figured I’d give you a shot at it, it’s (1:11:11) pretty sick though, no, and a lot of our guys like, they’ll do all the neck stuff that we (1:11:15) prescribe and then they do extra stuff, like we have an iron neck, some of the guys have (1:11:19) had neck injuries, so they’re just, they prehab it every time they’re warm enough to do it, (1:11:24) I forgot to ask when I flew home, but I was going to ask if I could bring the iron neck (1:11:29) with me, oh yeah, we got one of them here, yeah, yeah, yeah, a buddy of mine I used to (1:11:34) play rugby with was one of their sales guys when they first started, so he let us play (1:11:39) with one in Nicola and then one of the players here actually got one, he’s the one who brought (1:11:43) it here, so now just drop the hips, the setup’s the shitty part, it’s all slimy, Jimmy’s the (1:11:55) sweatiest guy I know, there you go, good training partner, yeah, keep showing the toes, what’s (1:12:08) that, Jimmy set up a trap for me, kind of went at something, so lower your butt a little (1:12:17) bit Paul, right there, knees stay on your hips, and then once you get comfortable you (1:12:23) progress to adding those taps in, yeah, those are pretty good, you got to show this again (1:12:48) yeah, so, feet back a little more, so you get the hips a little lower, yeah, there you (1:12:58) go, right there, so we’d have guys start with just like 30 second holds, and then when we (1:13:05) get more conditioned to it, then we start tapping, that’s a good one, alright, quick (1:13:27) competition, yeah, alright, damn dude, they’re going to be more power driven, we’ll do like (1:13:33) a peak power, and then we’ll do an elastic like threshold, so short but extremely intense, (1:13:40) I’ll give the edge to Paul in the first one, probably because of the size, but Jimmy might (1:13:44) be able to take you down in the second one, so peak power is essentially trying to get (1:13:48) max watts in like 5 to 6 seconds, so imagine like an unloaded power test, like a multi (1:13:55) jump or something, so I’ll just keep an eye on it, your goal is like basically go all (1:14:01) out from a stand still, and within those, it shouldn’t take longer than 6, because then (1:14:06) fatigue and all that’s going to catch up, like your goal is to max the watts as early as (1:14:11) possible, you want it on me? On you, 12.45, this thing’s not going to find you for 6 seconds, (1:14:38) last a long time, 15.58, there’s horsepower, I had money on Paul on that one, second one (1:15:05) I probably bet on Jimmy, and now I’m fucked, well you both are, so it’s fair, so now it’s (1:15:12) like an elastic threshold, it’s a 20 second all out sprint, and it’s how many calories (1:15:18) you get done, so basically who gets more work done in 20, I’ll give you a minute before (1:15:23) you get on there, but the idea being, imagine running like a 150, like sprint the end of (1:15:32) the field, sprint back to 50 as fast as you can, that kind of effort, and at some point (1:15:38) obviously you fatigue, but can you keep pushing, it’s a lot easier when you move, it’s more (1:15:50) natural, going out and sprinting versus this fucking bike from the torture machine, it’s (1:15:55) awful, you’re lucky we don’t have Versaclimbers here, like we did at the old Makoa, that shit (1:15:59) is even worse, Jake was a beast on it, he had our record for the 60 second challenge, (1:16:05) we gotta tell you about coach Woolfolk, (1:16:10) alright so I’m gonna say go right when zeros hit, so this is a true, like there’s no build (1:16:14) up, ready, go, (1:16:37) good, 20, that’ll be easy to remember, (1:16:44) how many we got, it’s 20 seconds, he did 20, you ready, go, 23, alright that’s a wrap, (1:17:19) good work today boys, see you in the morning.